Saturday 28 July 2007

Toilet Training Your Kitten

Toilet training your kitten is now possible thanks to the amazing Litter Kwitter Toilet Training System available from Amazon UK for £37.99.

User review: Not everyone is going to want a Litter Kwitter. Some people actually LIKE the smell of their animal's waste and ENJOY the process of bagging it up - of course I'm joking!

Litter Kwitter has revolutionised life in my household and reminded me why we got our cat in the first place.

Before we felt stable enough to start our own family a cat was the purrfect compromise, affectionate and fun and a way to keep us together.

Later when our son was born he naturally became the main focus of our attention and his potty-training was an important part of that.

Those years of inattention must have seemed trebly long or more on cat years, but later once I invested in the Litter Kwitter it was like having my son back again.

I only wish we had bought Litter Kwitter then, because potty-training is a slow process and I expect the simple, logical steps outlined on the DVD would have been just as effective for helping make our little boy into a little man - what is good for the cat is good for the gander!

So if YOU are a cat lover, pop your pussy on the rim and tell me you don't sense the warm glow of love for your pet fill your home all over again. I did!

The manufacturers review says: It's the product everyone is talking about - as seen on numerous TV programs. This system really does help you train your cat to use a human toilet in three easy steps.

Say goodbye to mess, germs, smells and hassle associated with traditional litter trays. Fits all standard toilets. Includes step by step DVD and booklet.

Litter Kwitter will gradually teach nearly any cat to perch on the toilet seat to do their business directly into the bowl. All you have to do, then, is flush and Voila! No mess, no smell, no clean up required.

Litter Kwitter starts next to the toilet with a seat device and a red plastic disk full of litter so your cat knows what it is & where to go to use it. Then you put it on the porcelain rim of the toilet, so your cat learns to hop up.

Once your cat gets the idea that the toilet is where the action is, you can move to the amber disk. It has a hole in the middle and room for some litter around the edges so that your cat can use it but also starts to learn how to perch on the edge of the seat itself.

It doesnt usually take too long to get the hang of this so then its time to use the green disk. It has a bigger hole so that your cat can balance on the seat and go, knowing that everything will end up in the toilet.

Litter Kwitter comes with a universal base plate (a special kind of toilet seat that fits all standard toilets), the three training disks (red, amber and green), a comprehensive instruction booklet plus a 30-minute DVD with step-by-step training directions.

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