Saturday 7 July 2007

Finding Kittens for Adoption in the UK

When you want to adopt a new kitten many cat owners recommend that you visit your local Cats Protection centre.

I do believe this is a better option than the RSPCA because Cats Protection do specialise in looking after cats and kittens and also they have a better policy in my opinion when it comes to the longer term care of cats and kittens who are waiting for adoption.

Cats Protection will keep looking after cats and kittens indefinately whereas the RSPCA unfortunately put down any cats who they cannot find a new owner for quickly enough.

Before you can take home your new kitten the Cats Protection will send someone to do a home visit and he or she will check that your home is kitten friendly (eg. not next to a dangerous main road) and let you know about how the kitten adoption process works.

The Cats Protection officer will also tell you about the various vaccinations that your kitten will have and explain that you may have to take your new kitten back for neutering or spraying if it has not already been done.

Finally when you find the perfect kitten you can take him or her home with you. You will need to get a cat carrier, the rigid kind will be better for transporting your new kitten back home with you than the fabric kinds. I recommend Pet Planet because they do have the best range. The cheapest kitten carrying box you can get is made of cardboard and costs just £2.99. If you want a wicker cat carrier (as we did) then Pet Planet may be the only place you can get one.

Cats Protection ask that you make a donation of at least £50 per kitten that you adopt to cover the costs of vaccinations and cat care. All the money helps to rehome other cats and kittens in the future.

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