Tuesday 23 October 2007

No Need For A Collar With Microchip Cat Flaps

Throw away those dangerous cat collars! The new RFID-reading Microchip Cat Flap lets your cats in without the need for a collar, so there's no chance of your kitty getting caught on something or getting their paws caught.

Also the Microchip Cat Flap has a day/night sensor so if you want to you can keep your cats in at night. This is great for kittens to keep them safe and also great for older cats too because they are less likely to bring in any dead birds, frogs, or mice for you as "gifts"!

It's really easy to scan your cats in for the first time and program them into the system, just press the green paw button and gently push them through the door. They soon pick up on how it works and love the sense of freedom.

Our cats didn't even know they were being scanned! They just think that the Pet Porte is a new toy!

It was really easy to fit into the door too. I will upload some videos of how easy it was at a later stage. In the meantime if you want the best for your cat get yourself a microchip cat flap from http://www.microchipcatflaps.co.uk/

Tuesday 9 October 2007

Drinking Water Fountain For Cats

drinking water fountain for cats
This fountain supplies cats with a constant supply of fresh clean filtered drinking water.

My neighbours friend has one and she says her cats love it.

I'm ordering one for our two kittens and will let you know how they get on with it.

Pet Supermarket Promotional Code

Enjoy 10% Off Everything At Pet Supermarket (Offer expires 22/10/2007)

Simply click the link above and enter promotional code "PSP5" when asked.

Saturday 28 July 2007

Toilet Training Your Kitten

Toilet training your kitten is now possible thanks to the amazing Litter Kwitter Toilet Training System available from Amazon UK for £37.99.

User review: Not everyone is going to want a Litter Kwitter. Some people actually LIKE the smell of their animal's waste and ENJOY the process of bagging it up - of course I'm joking!

Litter Kwitter has revolutionised life in my household and reminded me why we got our cat in the first place.

Before we felt stable enough to start our own family a cat was the purrfect compromise, affectionate and fun and a way to keep us together.

Later when our son was born he naturally became the main focus of our attention and his potty-training was an important part of that.

Those years of inattention must have seemed trebly long or more on cat years, but later once I invested in the Litter Kwitter it was like having my son back again.

I only wish we had bought Litter Kwitter then, because potty-training is a slow process and I expect the simple, logical steps outlined on the DVD would have been just as effective for helping make our little boy into a little man - what is good for the cat is good for the gander!

So if YOU are a cat lover, pop your pussy on the rim and tell me you don't sense the warm glow of love for your pet fill your home all over again. I did!

The manufacturers review says: It's the product everyone is talking about - as seen on numerous TV programs. This system really does help you train your cat to use a human toilet in three easy steps.

Say goodbye to mess, germs, smells and hassle associated with traditional litter trays. Fits all standard toilets. Includes step by step DVD and booklet.

Litter Kwitter will gradually teach nearly any cat to perch on the toilet seat to do their business directly into the bowl. All you have to do, then, is flush and Voila! No mess, no smell, no clean up required.

Litter Kwitter starts next to the toilet with a seat device and a red plastic disk full of litter so your cat knows what it is & where to go to use it. Then you put it on the porcelain rim of the toilet, so your cat learns to hop up.

Once your cat gets the idea that the toilet is where the action is, you can move to the amber disk. It has a hole in the middle and room for some litter around the edges so that your cat can use it but also starts to learn how to perch on the edge of the seat itself.

It doesnt usually take too long to get the hang of this so then its time to use the green disk. It has a bigger hole so that your cat can balance on the seat and go, knowing that everything will end up in the toilet.

Litter Kwitter comes with a universal base plate (a special kind of toilet seat that fits all standard toilets), the three training disks (red, amber and green), a comprehensive instruction booklet plus a 30-minute DVD with step-by-step training directions.

Tuesday 17 July 2007

Automatic Self Cleaning Cat Litter Trays

Scoop Free Automatic Litter BoxAutomatic Self Cleaning Cat Litter Trays are now a reality thanks to Cats Play USA who sell this product for $139.99 (approximately £70 GBP).

All you do is replace the crystals each month and the motorised rake removes any kitty poop 20 minutes after your cat or kitten finishes doing its business!

There is nothing to fill, empty, or clean for up to 30 days at a time, and no unpleasant odours because of the revolutionary absorbant crystals that your cat or kitten will love to use.

At the end of the 30 days you simply remove the cartridge and throw it in the bin. Replace it with another one (available for $19.99 each) and its ready for another 30 days of use.

If you hate cleaning out your cat litter tray then this really is the business.

Motorised cat toy is keep fit for kittens

motorised play toy for kittensKitty-Go-Krazy is a motorised toy especially made for kittens that will help you to relax while your kittens play and use up all that extra energy.

When you have kittens you must keep them inside for several months and this means they will often be running wild around your home, scratching furniture, getting under your feet, and wearing you out wanting to play all the time.

The toy has been especially designed to bring out your kittens natural stalking instinct.

The end of the arm is moved by a randomly activated motor and contains a crinkly bag that kittens just love to play with for hours on end!

This toy for kittens is powered by three AA batteries so it is perfectly safe for your kitten to play with.

After your kitten has been playing he or she will happily sleep for hours having had all the exercise a kitten needs.

Available for £24.95 from Amazon.co.uk

Friday 13 July 2007

Training Your Kitten Not To Scratch Furniture

When you have a new kitten sooner or later you are going to have to teach him or her not to scratch your furniture, and the good news is that this is suprisingly simple.

Cats and kittens love to scratch. It is highly pleasurable for them and it serves the practical purpose of stripping away old cells from their nails so that their nails stay nice and sharp.

The bad news is that kittens are likely to watch to scratch all your nice furniture, curtains, and carpets. So what do you do?

Invest in a scratching post. Look for ones that are stable, high enough for your kitten to stretch upwards, and covered in something such as rough rope, hemp, or twine.

Do not be tempted to put your kittens paws onto the scratching post. Instead praise your kitten whenever he or she approaches or uses the post. Praise your kitten in an encouraging pleasant tone of voice and use his or her name.

You may tempt your kitten to the post with a treat or a toy. When your kitten approaches give him or her the treat and praise your kitten again.

If your kitten scratches the carpet or furniture immediately scold him or her by saying "Nooooo. (kittens name)". in a low tone of voice and put the scratching post infront of the item they were scratching.

A good place for a scratching post is either near where the kitten sleeps or where your kittens eat.

If you use a treat to attract your kitten to the scratching post and he or she ignores you simply try again closer to meal time.

If you praise your kitten and he or she ignores you its OK because your kitten is just pretending! Kittens (and cats) quickly pick up on praise and will adapt their behavior accordingly.

A range of scratching posts and cat activity centres with scratching posts are available from Pet Supermarket

Saturday 7 July 2007

New Toys for Kittens

New kittens love to play and kitten owners love to buy them toys. These days there are an amazing array of imaginative and interesting kitten toys on the market. Here are two of my favorite new kitten toys:


Kittens love to chase moving objects. This laser show features a laser beam that will move around your room at random, pausing to give your kitten time to pounce, then off it goes again.

Imagine how your kitten will love chasing the laser around the room!

The laser light is perfectly harmless if your kitten was to look at the beam however most kittens will think that the laser spot is something to chase and will be so busy chasing they will never even realise the source!


Sometimes the simplest ideas are the most effective. This play bag is no exception.

Designed in Denmark the bag will provide your kitten with hours of fun.

Kittens love to play with the bags and love going inside and laying on it because of the crinkly sound it makes.

Your kitten will love the sound and find it highly addictive!

Both these toys are available to order online from Pet Planet.

Best Value Kitten Insurance

Heaven forbid that your new kitten ever gets ran over by a car or suffers any illness but accidents can happen and kittens are not immune to medical conditions.

The emotional pain of your kitten being unwell is bad enough for any cat owner but if you do not have kitten insurance then the high costs of vets bills could be the last straw.

My neighbours young cat recently suffered from liver problems and had to go to the vets. She asked me today if I can guess how much their vets bill has totalled so far. I guessed £290 thinking that was quite high. In fact so far the costs are running into the £800 region! Isn't that an expense you would rather avoid?

Luckily kitten and cat insurance is affordable (my neighbours have Pet Plan insurance) and if you have it you will be protected from the high costs of vetinary treatment.

Good policies also give your cat or kitten:
  • Complimentary therapies such as acupuncture and homeopathy
  • Boarding cattery fee cover
  • Avertising and reward bounties incase your kitten ever goes missing
Pet Plan (recommended by Cats Protection) is the most highly recommend insurance provider for kittens. They offer a free online cat insurance quotation and your monthly premium also helps to support the work of Cats Protection as well as other charities. I highly recommend it!

Finding Kittens for Adoption in the UK

When you want to adopt a new kitten many cat owners recommend that you visit your local Cats Protection centre.

I do believe this is a better option than the RSPCA because Cats Protection do specialise in looking after cats and kittens and also they have a better policy in my opinion when it comes to the longer term care of cats and kittens who are waiting for adoption.

Cats Protection will keep looking after cats and kittens indefinately whereas the RSPCA unfortunately put down any cats who they cannot find a new owner for quickly enough.

Before you can take home your new kitten the Cats Protection will send someone to do a home visit and he or she will check that your home is kitten friendly (eg. not next to a dangerous main road) and let you know about how the kitten adoption process works.

The Cats Protection officer will also tell you about the various vaccinations that your kitten will have and explain that you may have to take your new kitten back for neutering or spraying if it has not already been done.

Finally when you find the perfect kitten you can take him or her home with you. You will need to get a cat carrier, the rigid kind will be better for transporting your new kitten back home with you than the fabric kinds. I recommend Pet Planet because they do have the best range. The cheapest kitten carrying box you can get is made of cardboard and costs just £2.99. If you want a wicker cat carrier (as we did) then Pet Planet may be the only place you can get one.

Cats Protection ask that you make a donation of at least £50 per kitten that you adopt to cover the costs of vaccinations and cat care. All the money helps to rehome other cats and kittens in the future.